13 research outputs found

    Software Development with Scrum: A Bibliometric Analysis and Profile

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    Introduction of the Scrum approach into software engineering has changed the way software is being developed. The Scrum approach emphasizes the active end-user involvement, embracing of change, and /iterative delivery of products. Our study showed that Scrum has different variants or is used in combination with different methods. Some tools not normally used in the conventional software approaches, like gamification, content analysis and grounded theory are also employed. However, Scrum like other software development approach focuses on improvement of software process, software quality, business value, performance, usability and efficiency and at the same time to reduce cost, risk and uncertainty. Contrary to some conventional approaches it also strives to boost soft factors like agility, trust, motivation, responsibility and transparency. The bibliometric synthetic scoping study revealed seven main research themes concerned with the Scrum research

    Enhancing the role of academic librarians in conducting scoping reviews

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    Information exposing, in conjunction with technological innovations and the emergence of social media, altered the traditional roles of academic libraries and enabled librarians to become necessary partners in research. The role of academic librarians in conducting systematic reviews is well recognised, however, their role in conducting scoping reviews is not yet well established. Nevertheless, we propose that, in more and more frequent situations when it is not feasible to read and analyse all relevant literature to be scoped manually, librarians employ bibliometric analysis and mapping to visualise and chart literature content. Our study demonstrated that science landscapes induced automatically by bibliometric mapping software could serve as a tool to visualise and chart the content of relevant literature when conducting the fourth step of scoping reviews. Additionaly science landscapes can help also serve to help improve the decision strategies when conducting scoping reviews

    Code smells: A Synthetic Narrative Review

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    Code smells are symptoms of poor design and implementation choices, which might hinder comprehension, increase code complexity and fault-proneness and decrease maintainability of software systems. The aim of our study was to perform a triangulation of bibliometric and thematic analysis on code smell literature production. The search was performed on Scopus (Elsevier, Netherlands) database using the search string “code smells” which resulted in 442 publications. The Go-to statement was the first bad code smells identified in software engineering history in 1968. The literature production trend has been positive. The most productive countries were the United States, Italy and Brazil. Eight research themes were identified: Managing software maintenance, Smell detection-based software refactoring, Architectural smells, Improving software quality with multi-objective approaches, Technical debt and its instance, Quality improvement/assurance with mining software repositories, Programming education, Integrating the concepts of anti-pattern, design defects and design smells. Some research gaps also emerged, namely, New uncatalogued smell identification; Smell propagation from architectural, design, code to test, and other possible smells; and Identification of good smells. The results of our study can help code smell researchers and practitioners understand the broader aspects of code smells research and its translation to practice


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    Da podjetja – še posebej gostinski obrati uspejo v današnji družbi, se morajo prilagoditi zahtevam trga, oblikovati inovativno poslovanje, odpraviti morebitne slabosti svojega delovanja in izkoriščati vse potencialne prednosti podjetja. Podjetje mora skozi čas kar naprej slediti svoji uspešnosti, ugotavljati napake, raziskovati trg in potrebe odjemalcev ter se spremembam na trgu uspešno prilagajati. Predmet naloge je obravnava sprememb dela v izbranem gostinskem obratu, preučitev izvedenih managerskih ukrepov ter oblikovanje predlogov za nadaljnje izboljšanje dela managementa v obratu. S primerjavo stanja med leti 2013 in 2015 na treh ključnih segmentih: marketing, kadrovski management in kontroling ugotavljamo uspešnost vnesenih sprememb. Ugotovili smo, da je za zdrave temelje gostinskega obrata potrebno jasno začrtati strukturo delovanja in izrisati poslovne procese. Prav tako se je pokazalo, da je za uspešno poslovanje potreben učinkovit sistem nadzora oziroma kontroling. Nadalje smo ugotovili, da je za uspešno poslovanje potreben raznovrsten, konstanten in inovativen marketing ter raznovrstnost ponudbe in organizacija različnih dogodkov. Ob vsem tem pa so ključni dejavnik zaposleni, ki skozi direktni stik z gostom vzpostavljajo trajne in zaupanja vredne vezi.In order for companies – especially food service establishments to succeed in today\u27s society they must adapt to market demands, create innovative business, eliminate potential weaknesses of its operations and exploit all the potential advantages of the company. The company has to keep up with its own success, identify errors, explore the market and costumers\u27 need and successfully adapt to the market changes. The thesis deals with changes in a selected food service establishment, examinations of carried out managerial measures and formulation of proposals for the further improvement of management. By comparing the situation between 2013 and 2015 in three key areas: marketing, human resource management and controlling we observe the success of carried out managerial measures. We have found out that the solid ground for food service establishment requires clear outlining of the functioning structure and plotting business processes. It also showed that an effective system for controlling is necessary for a successful business. Furthermore we found that successful business requires a diverse, constant and innovative marketing, diverse range of offer and organization of various events. A key factor in all of this are employees who through direct contact with the guests establish a permanent and trusted relationship


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    V okviru diplomskega dela je bil izdelan nov modul za komercialni programski paket Galis, ki ga razvija podjetje Semantika d.o.o. in ga uporablja večina slovenskih muzejev, prisoten pa je tudi na drugih trgih držav CE regije. Razvit modul dodaja metode strojnega učenja in umetne inteligence z namenom povečanja produktivnosti muzejskih strokovnjakov, ki produkt uporabljajo pri svojem delu, predvsem z omogočanjem hitrejšega dostopa do informacij, avtomatizacije ponavljajočih se opravil in samodejnega razpoznavanja predmetov na vnesenih slikah. Izdelane rešitve smo tudi preverili in potrdili, da so smiselna dopolnitev programskega paketa.The goal was to develop a new module within the context of an existing commercial content management system for museums (called Galis) that is used by most of museums in Slovenia and is also present on other markets in the CE region. The developed module adds intelligent capabilities to the Galis software with the purpose of improving productivity of museums’ professionals utilizing the software, by improving access to information stored in the system and automating certain tasks. After being developed the module was validated and tested to confirm the feasibility of including it in the Galis software package

    SVONAR: A New Quantitative Method for Studying Learner Satisfaction

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    We investigated students’ feelings and well-being during the lesson. We were working on a problem of how to adjust teaching in the secondary school and achieve that students will feel as good as possible and better follow the instruction. A hypothesis was set that, by measuring the desired length of lesson and factors which influence lesson length, we can measure and influence student satisfaction. Based on this hypothesis we investigated the factors which have influence on lesson length in a particular subject. Data were collected by means of a questionnaire. The subjects were students of II. gimnazija (secondary grammar school). The responses were analysed to obtain correlations between the factors (average grade in a subject, boredness and likableness of the teacher, length and level of boreness of lesson content, fear of the teacher) and lesson length. Results suggest that, by modifying these factors we could change students’ opinions, that is, increase their willingness to attend classes. The set hypothesis was confirmed and it was shown that by using simple diagrammatic models built on the basis of linear regression we can identify and study the influence of these factors on lesson length


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    Diplomsko delo obravnava izbrane romane Milana Kundere, enega najbolj prepoznavnih češko-francoskih avtorjev sodobnega časa, z vidika vloge politično-zgodovinskega ozadja na življenje in odločitve junakov v njegovih romanih. Pri tem ugotavljamo, da Kundera svoje teoretsko delo uspešno prepleta s svojim pisanjem. Izbrane zgodovinsko-politične okoliščine, h katerim pristopa izredno ekonomično, so v izbranih delih Milana Kundere postavljene kot abstraktna scenografija, ki junaka romana nujno pripelje v eksistencialen položaj. Kundera sam pravi, da ga opis zgodovine kot take ne zanima, česar se v svojem pisanju dosledno drži. Izkušnja emigranstva predstavlja skupno točno vseh obravnavanih del, ki so bila napisana po letu 1975, ko je moral Kundera zaradi političnih pritiskov na Češkem emigrirati v Francijo. V vseh obravnavanih delih je čutiti močno osebno noto avtorja, ki ima izkušnjo vpliva zgodovinsko-političnih dogodkov na posameznikovo življenje, v vseh izbranih delih, ki so nastala po pisateljevi preselitvi, se avtor posveča polemiziranju problematike emigranstva. V Kunderovih romanih najdemo izrazito veliko političnih dogodkov, ki spodbujajo sociološke, zgodovinske ali ideološke interpretacije, kar avtor spretno uporabi za kritiko totalitarističnih oblasti in njihovega odnosa do izobražencev, v svoja dela pa, kar je neznačilno za romaneskno formo, vključuje tudi veliko lastnega razmišljanja. Sam te zastranitve poimenuje romaneskni eseji, ki so sestavni del Kunderovih romanov, sami po sebi pa ne morejo obstajati. Žanrsko lastno pisanje opredeli kot misleči roman.This diploma paper discusses selected novels of the Czech-French writer Milan Kundera, one of the most respectable writers of the late 20th century in terms of political and historical context and its influence on life and decision-making of the main characters in his works. What is more, Kundera successfully combines his theoretical knowledge with his writing abilities. The political and historical circumstances in his complete works are set as an abstract scenography that lead the main characters to their existential situations. Kundera writes that historical descriptions as such do not interest him, which results in his writing elements as well. Emigration is a common point to all of his works, which were written after 1975, when he was forced to leave the Czech Republic and move to France due to political intolerance towards his beliefs. A strong personal note can be recognized in all of his works, especially the influence of both political and historical events on the life of an individual as well as the polemics of exile. Numerous political events in his novels stimulate sociological, historical, and ideological interpretations and are used as a means of criticism of totalitarian regime and its relation towards intellectuals. He includes his own thinking as well, which is on the other hand very atypical for a remanseque point of view. Kundera refers to this element of writing as a type of Romanesque essays, which are a constituent part of his novels, but cannot self-exist. He defines this personal genre of writing as a thinking novel

    Code smells: A Synthetic Narrative Review

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    Code smells are symptoms of poor design and implementation choices, which might hinder comprehension, increase code complexity and fault-proneness and decrease maintainability of software systems. The aim of our study was to perform a triangulation of bibliometric and thematic analysis on code smell literature production. The search was performed on Scopus (Elsevier, Netherlands) database using the search string “code smells” which resulted in 442 publications. The Go-to statement was the first bad code smells identified in software engineering history in 1968. The literature production trend has been positive. The most productive countries were the United States, Italy and Brazil. Eight research themes were identified: Managing software maintenance, Smell detection-based software refactoring, Architectural smells, Improving software quality with multi-objective approaches, Technical debt and its instance, Quality improvement/assurance with mining software repositories, Programming education, Integrating the concepts of anti-pattern, design defects and design smells. Some research gaps also emerged, namely, New uncatalogued smell identification; Smell propagation from architectural, design, code to test, and other possible smells; and Identification of good smells. The results of our study can help code smell researchers and practitioners understand the broader aspects of code smells research and its translation to practice

    Enhancing the role of academic librarians in conducting scoping reviews

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    Information exposing, in conjunction with technological innovations and the emergence of social media, altered the traditional roles of academic libraries and enabled librarians to become necessary partners in research. The role of academic librarians in conducting systematic reviews is well recognised, however, their role in conducting scoping reviews is not yet well established. Nevertheless, we propose that, in more and more frequent situations when it is not feasible to read and analyse all relevant literature to be scoped manually, librarians employ bibliometric analysis and mapping to visualise and chart literature content. Our study demonstrated that science landscapes induced automatically by bibliometric mapping software could serve as a tool to visualise and chart the content of relevant literature when conducting the fourth step of scoping reviews. Additionaly science landscapes can help also serve to help improve the decision strategies when conducting scoping reviews